Friday, 27 January 2012

I just got my BFP Im so excited, what are the chances that its wrong?
Question by : I just got my BFP Im so excited, what are the chances that its wrong?
I used clearblue easy digital, and we have been trying to conceive but this was our first try! Well we were in a car accident 2 nights back that wrecked our car, when we went to the doctor they were going to give me an x-ray and I told them to wait because I was a few days late. I acquired a test last night time and used it this morning and it said "Pregnant" What are the chances of it being wrong, it was digital, Im only wondering because of the stress I have been under. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by belle
It's almost impossible to get a false positive. You're pregnant lady! Congrats!!!!!!!
I used the same test. It's surreal when it reads, "PREGNANT", huh? :D

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