Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Weight loss difficulty...?

Question by Clara C: Weight loss difficulty...?
During my teenage years and early twenties I had a healthy/muscular body. Not as skinny as some girls of today, but not average either. I was very toned and muscular.

After having 2 children and getting older, I put on a few pounds, but I was still very happy with myself.
When I hit 35, I began to be unhappy with myself(mostly because I no longer fir into the size 4 & 6 clothing I had).

At 37, I quit my job and with the exception of a few temporary part-time jobs, remained unemployed until now...43.

During the past 4 years, I have gained a lot of weight(50 lbs, but looks like more!) and lost most signs of muscle.

I slept Very late into the day

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