Sunday, 15 January 2012

PCOS ...can you lose weight or does it mean I will gain no matter?
Question by Sunflowergirl: PCOS ...can you lose weight or does it mean I will gain no matter?
I have recently been diagnosed with Insulin resistence because of PCOS. I recently gained 10 pounds over 3 months which freaked me out but I also stopped watching my diet over the holidays so it's not as though i gained being "really careful with food"
what I want to know is if I eat only 700-800 cals of good carbs/protein and low fat (eat apples and salad and grilled chicken)I also started Metformin (2 times a day I take 500grams)
I don't see how I would not lose lose weight PCOS and all. I just don't see how a person can gain if tehy keep their cals low and carbs low GI?
What I find disturbing is reading women with PCOS tell how they gained weight despite diet and exercise? Makes me wonder what exactly they consider a "diet"? Did they think simply cutting down a bit on refined carbs would cause weight loss? The same women always turn around and report dropping weig

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