Monday, 27 February 2012

Female Infertility Treatment: Using Simple Vitamins As Female Infertility Treatment

While majority of medical doctors would agree that a balanced and healthy diet is the best means of getting minerals and vitamins that your body requires, there are some fertility vitamins and nutritional supplements that are available over the counter which have been shown to enhance fertility.

The incorporation of these natural nutritional and vitamins supplements may aid a woman to get pregnant if the case of infertility is due to a lack of minerals and vitamins. The following are some of the common vitamins and minerals that can serve as natural female infertility treatment:


Iron - female infertility has always been associated with a deficiency in iron
Selenium - this mineral has antioxidant properties which aids in lessening the risk of birth defects. When taken by men, selenium can also help in increasing sperm count
Folic acid - when women take folic acid prior to becoming pregnant, it has long been known that this mineral can help in the prevention b

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