Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Infertile - 12 months of having sex without conceiving... does that word scare you?

Question by .: Infertile - 12 months of having sex without conceiving... does that word scare you?
So the operational definition of infertility is 12 months of having sexual relationships without contraceptives and not being able to conceive or carry to live birth a pregnancy... to me 12 months is a long time obviously but when I hear the word infertile I just think much worse I guess...

What about other TTCers? what do you think of the term "infertile" and its definition?

Best answer:

Answer by myangels
Fortunately I have never had trouble conceiving. I don't think that 12 months is a long time to try. Each couple is different, each woman is different. Y

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