Thursday, 2 February 2012

What is the cabbage soup diet?
Question by Anna B.: What is the cabbage soup diet?
Here are all my questions on this diet. (Just so you should know, I weigh 135 kilos and am 5 foot 4 inches.)

1.What is the cabbage soup diet?

2. How many kilos do I lose on it?

3. How do I lose the maximum amount of weight I can lose on it (do I have to exercise?)

4. Will I lose additional weight if I exercise

5. What is the "meal plan" for the diet? (What food items am I authorized to eat on what days?)

Please answer all of them. Thank you!!

Best answer:

Answer by Cole
diets don't work unless you want to be eating cabbage soup your whole life. you need to develop healthy exercising and eating behavior to keep the weight off.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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