Thursday, 2 February 2012

Women slapping males ,really?
Question by Joclyn: Women slapping males ,really?
Are you kidding me? Showing the woman slapping a man/her husband(?)?

If the genders were reversed, this show would be canceled in a NY minute after having a bunch of women and feminists up in arms. Actually, a man slapping a woman wouldn't even make it to the airweaves!

We as a culture are outraged and horrified at the thought of a man even Raising A HAND to a woman, yet in movies, tv, and other forms of media it's considered COMEDY for a woman to slap a man.

They say males "deserve" it for this and that, but that a woman Never deserves it, NO Matter WHAT. The how arrive males never deserve it too no matter what?

SEXIST *****!

Women are TEXTBOOK ABUSERS. An abuser makes excuses for their actions and blames it on the target.

Women commonly say (excuse#1) when they slap a man that "he deserved it." Or "he made me angry." Oh so if the women "deserves" it or makes the man angry he can slap her?

YOU Women ARE Sick,

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